by Barbro Ekholm | 2024-03-20 21:50 | EBC2025, NordicMix2024
Convention Photos The official photographer for the 2024 Nordic Mix convention is Eric Ideler. Eric is a non-professional and his pictures will be available for free at his website, as long as his copyright is...
by Barbro Ekholm | 2024-01-23 13:41 | EBC2025, NordicMix2024
Traffic Pattern Traffic Pattern will be published...
by Barbro Ekholm | 2024-01-21 21:36 | EBC2025, NordicMix2024
Arena and Stage The convention site is Helsingborg Arena at Mellersta Stenbocksgatan 14, a large top-modern arena with restaurant and plenty of space for lunches, dinners and parties. Most convention activities, such as afterglows and joint dinners, will take place...
by Barbro Ekholm | 2024-01-19 23:57 | EBC2025, NordicMix2024
Contest setup SNOBS Regional Convention The contest is held and judged according to SNOBS Contest Rules. Awards will be presented in all three categories (men/women/mix) for quartets and choruses, so there will be in total 6 gold medallists. Grand Prix Trophies...
by Barbro Ekholm | 2024-01-18 16:31 | EBC2025, NordicMix2024
SNOBS Songs Last Song That We're Singing A Million Voices Blue Moon BHS theme and closing song Keep The Whole World...
by Barbro Ekholm | 2024-01-18 16:20 | EBC2025, NordicMix2024
EBC & SNOBS Convention Committee Björn Lindström SNOBS President Head of SNOBS Convention Committee Jan Alexandersson Arena Entertainment Bengt Thaysen Traffic Pattern Volunteers Mikael Wikström Tickets/Registration SNOBS website SNOBS app Scoring programs Hotels...