2025 Chorus Competitors

SNOBS – Women’s Choruses

Malmö Limelight Chorus

From: Malmö, Sweden
Number on stage: 48
Director: Sofia Feuer

Malmö Limelight Chorus started in 1996 and has gone on to compete successfully on a regional and international level, including one gold and one silver medal in the Harmony Classic in Sweet Adelines.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
Next Time I Love   arr Larry Wright
Ain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do   arr Melody Hine

Stockholm City Voices

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Number on stage: 48
Director: Tindra Thor

Stockholm City Voices (SCV) is one of the leading female barbershop choruses in the world. Today, the chorus includes around 50 singers.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
Surrounded   arr Melody Hine
Rise Like a Phoenix

SNOBS – Men’s Choruses

Copenhagen Barbershop Chorus

From: Copenhagen, Denmark
Number on stage: 25
Director: Sofia Feuer

Copenhagen Barbershop Chorus, found in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, is a place where people come together to share the love for barbershop singing and ringing chords.
The chorus was founded by the quartet Happy Hour in august of 2018 and has been a staple at every SNOBS convention ever since. The chorus is on a mission to expand barbershop to a wider audience and bring people together. Five years after the chorus was founded (subtract the pandemic years), the chorus won their first medal: bronze at the 2023 SNOBS convention. The chorus is young, hungry for more and cannot wait to take the stage along with their fabulous director – Sofia Feuer.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
Always On My Mind   arr Kevin Koehl
Girl Next Door   arr Michael Webber

Dacke Drängar Barbershop Chorus


From: Växjö, Sweden
Number on stage: 18
Director: Björn Ivarsson

Dacke Drängar have been singing barbershop, pop, rock and traditional Swedish songs for almost 40 years. Located in the deep woods of Småland we are always looking for the opportunity to sing.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
Daydream   arr Mel Knight
You’ll Never Walk Alone   arr Adam Reimnitz

The EntertainMen

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Number on stage: 58
Director: Åsa Bergh Fagerström

A great bunch of friends enjoying singing barbershop together, every Monday night in Stockholm.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
Love Walked In   arr David Wright
You Took Advantage Of Me   arr Aaron Dale

SNOBS – Mixed Choruses

Northern Stars Chorus

From: Sweden and Denmark
Number on stage: 58
Director: Rasmus Krigström

Northern Stars Chorus is a mixed barbershop chorus – the first in the Nordic countries – inviting members from all over the Nordic countries. We are always looking for more people to join us on the risers, so don´t hesitate to apply!
Northern Stars is under the masterful direction of Rasmus Krigström, with his team of Sanna Berndts, Anna Rosenberg, Tindra Thor and Henrik Rosenberg assisting.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
A Brand New Day / Ease On Down the Road (Wiz Medley)   arr Clay Hine
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road   arr Rasmus Krigström

Öresound Chorus

From: Helsingborg, Sweden
Number on stage: 29
Director: Lotte Engebladh

Öresound chorus is a mixed barbershop chorus located in Helsingborg, Sweden. Our members travel near and far to get to our joyful rehersals. Today our memebers live between Copenhagen in Denmark and Växjö in Sweden.

Songs (not in order of appearance)
Mango Tree   arr Kohl Kitzmiller
Hard To Say I´m Sorry   arr Brian Mastrull