Apply to Compete
Step 1 – Enter the group in the competition
In this step, one representative for each group fills in an Application to Compete form to enter the group into the competition – see blue buttons below.
The same application form is used for both the EBC and the SNOBS competitions. To enter your group in the EBC competition you need to be qualified for EBC. Groups that want to compete in both EBC and SNOBS will fill on only one form, covering both competitions. The form also collects background information for the webcast, for marketing and for the app.
To fill in the form you need: contact person details, competition category, song details, facts that you want the webcast to know, a presentation, a picture of the group and (for choruses) director and estimated on-stage number.
All information in the form can be changed later by using the link in the confirmation email, so if you are unsure about any details, just leave those fields empty and supply them at a later stage. The last date to change or supply information on song choices is April 15th. Song order can be changed at any time and does not have to be reported.
Application to compete is open until Dec 15th for choruses and Febr 28th for quartets.
Email any questions to SNOBS at
Step 2 – Register all competing members
In this step the group representative will register all individual members.
Each group representative will receive an email including a link to the group’s Participant Registration sheet (on Google Drive).
Deadline for filling in the Participant Registration is March 14th.
- Chorus contact persons will receive the email no later that Febr 1st.
- Quartet contact persons will receive the well before the registration deadline of March 14th.
To fill in the Participant Registration you will need the following facts for each competing member:
- First name
- Surname
- Email adress
- Is the member paying the fee via this group? Otherwise: via which group?
Make sure to check this with members who will compete in more groups, to avoid double payment. - Adult / Youth (under 27) / SNOBS Convention Committee member
- Voice Part (for badge)
- Other groups that the member wants to be listed on the badge
Step 3 – Pay the total registration fee
Pay the total fee for the group. Deadline for payment is March 31st.
Registration fees for all competing participants are to be paid as a lump sum by the each chorus/quartet. The group’s total fee is calculated in the Participant Registration sheet filled in in step 2 (see example below, with sum in yellow). Bank details for payment are also provided in the Participant Registration sheet.
The SNOBS membership fee, which is mandatory for participants in the SNOBS competition, is handled separately this year. More details to come.
Apply to Compete CHORUS | December 15th |
Apply to Compete QUARTET | February 28th |
Participant Registration | March 14th |
Pay total fee | March 31st |
Preview of Participant Registration