Judging Panel 2025
Philip Grant - Singing
Dr. Philip Grant is a highly sought-after teacher, coach, and clinician. In addition to having served on faculty at Harmony University since 2017, he has worked with dozens of Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), Sweet Adelines International, and Harmony Incorporated ensembles and provided private vocal instruction to well over 200 singers. Philip currently serves as the Executive Director for Vancouver’s newest mixed chorus, VanCity Harmony.
In addition to his teaching, coaching, and BHS judging commitments, Philip also enjoys singing with his wife Donya, and her brothers, Tom and Mark, in their mixed quartet, BHS 2024 Evergreen District champs, Metzin’ Around.
Jay Butterfield - Singing
Jay Butterfield has been active in the Barbershop Harmony Society since joining the Vocal Majority as a teen. His service includes teaching in many districts -U.S. and Canada- as well as numerous schools in Germany, Nederland, Ireland and the UK. It has been his honor to found, compete, coach and medal as the Musical Director of Parkside Harmony, and medal with several others including the Alexandria Harmonizers and the Vocal Majority. Jay has also been on the international quartet stage several times, including a top 20 semifinal appearance.
Jay holds two degrees (B.A. and M.A.) in Music Performance, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. He was the 1996 recipient of the MENC/BHS award for service and music education, and a school Grammy Award recipient, from NARAS. He is one of only a few in BHS holding Master Director certification.
Dr. Butterfield currently serves on the C&J Board of Review for Singing, and is an active voice teacher, coach, judge, and consultant in choral music and leadership design. Jay and his wife Anne, currently reside in the Charleston, South Carolina area.
Steve Curulla - Performance
Steve certified in the Performance category in 2016 and has been a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society since 1981. During that time, he’s been active in quartets and choruses, currently singing with the Gold Standard Chorus in his hometown of Charlotte, NC. Steve has competed at International multiple times in both quartets and choruses, including being part of the leadership team for the four-time International chorus competitor Carolina Vocal Express. He is has served on the International panel for both BHS and Harmony Inc., and enjoys working with groups at any level. As a coach, Steve helps performers leverage their strengths as well as the opportunities provided in the song and arrangement to put together an engaging performance.
Jon Kready - Performance
Jon Kready is a 4th generation Barbershopper, he joined SPEBSQSA in 1994 at the age of 8. He spent much of his childhood on the road with his dad’s Top-20 Quartet as they performed all over, and got coached by the top coaches. This made him fall in love with high level performance and caring for the audience experience. Jon joined Central Standard in ‘09 soon after their inception, and has competed at international with them all 10 times, bringing home medals the last 6 trips in a row. Jon is the Assistant Director of Central Standard, Performance Team Lead, and in charge of all show production for them as well. He currently has 2 quartets. Jon became a Certified Performance Judge in 2019, and loves using this outlet to give back to the music community that offers him so much happiness everyday. He specializes in helping performers find a natural and believable connection to the music and story.
Alexander Koller - Musicality
Alexander Koller has been a BHS Musicality Judge since 2023. He has been a barbershopper since 2006, when he sang with the Big Apple Chorus during a one-year stay in New York. Alexander founded the European Harmony Brigade and the BinG! Coaching Certification Program and has coached and taught at the BHS Virtual Harmony University, the BinG! Harmony College, and the European Quartet School.
Rick Spencer - Musicality
Rick joined the Barbershop Harmony Society in 1989 and has dedicated most of his life to teaching others about the barbershop art form. A certified MUS Judge since 2007, Rick is an active coach, clinician, and arranger. Rick spent 12 years working for the Barbershop Harmony Society Headquarters in several key leadership positions, including its Director of Music & Education where he had oversight of the Society’s music education and youth outreach programs. He has presented at state, regional, and national music education conferences and has been published in several music education publications.
An active quartet singer, Rick has won numerous district-level awards and has placed as high as 4th in international competition. Active in the barbershop chorus scene in Nashville, Rick directed the TuneTown Show Chorus (SAI) from 2015-2020, and is currently Associate Director for the Music City Chorus (BHS), 2022 International Chorus Champion.
Originally from Connecticut, Rick holds degrees in music and music education from the University of Connecticut. When he’s not doing music, he loves spending time with his wife Heather and their combined family of six children!
Gary Plaag - Contest Administrator
Gary is a 39-year BHS member and 3-year SNOBS member. He currently sings with the Appalachian Express Chorus in NE Tennessee, and was a BHS Performance judge for 21 years. Gary lives in the mountains in Boone, NC.